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Instant SL1100 Rebates — No Paperwork, No Hassles!

Each verified volume buyer will start at the 3% discounted rate (Silver level). Once you reach the Gold Level within one quarter we will instantly issue you an extra 2% back (as a store credit towards future purchases) on all of your previous purchases for the quarter. For the remainder of the quarter you will receive 5% Off all purchases until you reach the Platinum level.

Once you reach the Platinum Level within one quarter we will instantly issue you an extra 2% back (as a store credit towards future purchases) on all of your previous purchases for the quarter. For the remainder of the quarter you will receive 7% Off all purchases.

If you reach the Gold or Platinum levels for two consecutive quarters you will then be locked into their discounted pricing level. If at the end of two consecutive quarters you have not remained within the required monetary scale for your locked-in level, you will then be unlocked and step back one level.

Example 1

Sales are $30,000 for the quarter at the 3% discount ($30k x 3% = $900 instant savings). You have now reached the Gold Level which entitles you to a 5% discount ($30k x 5% = $1,500 savings). Subtract $900 instant savings from $1500, your store credit will be $600.

Example 2

Sales are $45,000 for the quarter at the 5% discount ($45k x 5% = $2,250 instant savings). You have now reached the Platinum Level which entitles you to a 7% discount ($45k x 7%=$3,150 savings). Subtract $2,250 instant savings from $3150, your store credit will be $900.

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